Online Training

laptop HDOnline training is the art of knowledge transfer through the internet, from anywhere in the globe to targeted audiences who choose to learn a particular subject. Professionals who excel in a particular field choose to teach and train students who are willing to take up online classes. Notes in PDFs, Word documents, video tutorials, and assessments are given as a package with the training modules, thereby helping students learn faster and easier. Also, some of the certifications and certificates that can be provided, to award candidates for their understanding capabilities, are highly valued by various organizations. Some companies offer training options before employees are made permanent in their jobs. This training does not end before the job begins: It rather continues through online courses by brushing up concepts and new technologies.

The Training & Outreach Division of New Mexico Junior College has partnered with three different online training providers to offer various and different training opportunities: ProTrain; ed2go; and Condensed Curriculum International (CCI). Click the links on the right to browse through the catalogs of each of the online training providers. 

Keep in mind that these classes are not taught by 十大正规网赌软件 faculty or staff. You register and pay directly with the online training provider

Dr. Larchinee Turner, Dean of Workforce Training and Professional Studies

575.492.4711 (Office) (e-mail)